What is Naturopathic Medicine

Outside The Box with Ben Rogers (recorded 8/3/2021)

Understanding Naturopathic Medicine: In this episode of Outside The Box conversations, Ben Rogers talks with Denise Sammons, ND, President and CEO of SOZO Life and Wellness Store in Elizabethton, TN, about her passion for naturopathic medicine and how modalities such as PEMF, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, ZYTO, Lymphatic treatments (and more!) have given HOPE to the hopeless.

An Integrative Approach to Healing At A Glance

Naturopathic Medicine: In this segment, Dr. Denise Sammons explains that naturopathic physicians aim to uncover and address the root causes of health issues, offering an alternative to conventional medicine.

Bioenergetic and Frequency-Based Modalities: As a Naturopathic physicians she utilizes bioenergetic and frequency-based modalities to assist the body in healing itself. These modalities help restore the body's natural balance and optimize overall health.

Lymphatic Therapy: The conversation explores the importance of lymphatic therapy in removing toxins and improving overall well-being.
Dr. Sammons highlights the role of lymphatic flow in delivering nutrients to cells and eliminating waste.

Emotional Factors in Disease: The discussion touches on the connection between emotions and physical health. Dr. Sammons explains how emotional traumas can manifest as physical ailments and emphasizes the significance of addressing these emotional triggers in the healing process.

Treatment Modalities: The episode introduces various treatment modalities used in naturopathic medicine, including energetic assessments, laser energy detox, and chelation therapy for heavy metal detoxification. The aim is to provide personalized and comprehensive care to patients seeking alternative solutions.

By exploring the principles and methodologies of naturopathic medicine, this episode offers valuable insights into a holistic approach to health and well-being, empowering viewers to consider alternative paths to healing. Thank you “Outside The Box” and Ben Rogers